Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Twitter, or not?

There has been alot of fuss about this new social medium called Twitter. Twitter is hard to explain at times but my simplest explanation is that "its a facebook status without facebook." What i mean is that Twitter is something that you can easily access and update. People simply use it to let the world know what they are doing or how they are feeling at that particular moment. For instance: if i was a famous book writer and had a book signing in San Diego i would simply update my Twitter saying, "I have a book signing at 2 today at Borders in San Diego, come show some love." Or i could say that i have a red eye flight to New York in ten minutes. Is it creepy? i would have to disagree because the only people that can see your Twitter updates are the people who "Follow" you. Following you means that they have subscribed to your twitter updates. At the moment i do have a Twitter account and a username but i dont use it because i dont have a smart phone at the moment and i dont want to sign on to Twitter everytime i want to update it. Its entertaining to me because alot of famous entertainers are on it and it is interesting to see what they update their Twitters with. So for now i keep my distance but i have a feeling that Twitter will start to take off and more and more people will join the hype.  

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