Friday, February 27, 2009

NBA is getting a piece of the bailout pie?

The National Basketball Association is set to borrow 175 million dollars because some of the teams have been struggleing in thie weak economy. Half of the 30 teams in the NBA said they are in need of the money because of Operating losses. The bailout will come with an interest rate around 8 percent.
At first thought i would think that they could cut back a little on every players salary but than i think again and that isnt an option. The NBA salary has to be recession proof. If Lebron James and was put on a Derek Fisher salary than Lebron James would probably not try as hard to entertain people with his high-flying dunks and antics. He would probably play like a Derek Fisher. Not a fun sight. Big buckets=Big bucks. I say they cut back on the amount of teams that go to the playoffs. The less amount of games, the more of a solid fan base. The stronger a fan base, more money from advertisments. Go Jacks

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